Does Boiling Lemons Destroy Vitamin C
Does Boiling Lemons Destroy Vitamin C
Brown spots are also known as age spots, dark spots, sunspots, lentigos, etc. These spots can be seen in the areas of the body that are mainly exposed to direct sunlight. These areas include the face, hands, neck, and cleavage. The people with white skin or having an age of 70 and are most prone to these spots, with a ratio of 90 %.
The main cause of these brown spots is too much exposure to direct sunlight. When a small area of the skin, whether it's the face, back of the hand, or any other part of the skin, shows color different from that of the skin; it is called a brown spot. Along with sunlight, aging and too much skin sensitivity also cause these brown spots to appear.
The Laser and nitrogen treatment conducted by the dermatologist is the fastest cure for them. Still, sufficient protection against radiations of the sun is required throughout because these can reappear even after treatment.
Besides the Laser and Nitrogen Treatment, other methods can be applied regularly for both protection and remedy against these spots. Some natural and organic remedies can be used in a normal routine for healthy skin.

Common Causes of Your Brown Spots
Following are some of the main causes of brown spots on the face:
Hyperpigmentation: Hyperpigmentation takes place whenever the skin is damaged at any specific point. The abnormal melanin arises on the skin due to this process.
This hyper melanin actually helps to protect the skins against damage but eventually leads to black spots on the skin.
Hormones: Contraceptive pills are also one of many causes of these spots. These pills disturb the hormonal balance of women, which leads to the emergence of brown spots if the skin gets exposed to the sun.
The disclosure of pregnancy masks, also known as miasma, is also the cause of this altered hormonal activity; some uneven pigmentations appear on women's skin during pregnancy.
Sun exposure: As melanin appears to protect the skin from Ultra Violet (UV) rays, direct and too much appearance to the sun is also a reason for these brown spots.
Sun is one of the main causes of brown spots because Ultra Violet rays in Sunlight cause the appearance of pigmentation on the face or any other part of the skin exposed to the sun.
Skin Disorders: The skin has the ability to remove any spot that appears on it by regeneration of fresh skin. However, some people have more sensitive skin and cannot reproduce the skin after brown spots appear. Thus, it becomes difficult for the skin to remove the spots from impacted areas.
Damage to the liver: The damaged liver also weakens its capacity for treating and eliminating the brown spots from the body, which consequently results in the appearance of black spots on the skin. Black spots can also be considered as a symptom of a damaged liver.
The liver has the ability to remove the toxins from the body, which eliminates the brown spots, while a damaged liver loosens or weakens its capacity to do so.
Acne Scars: Most often, the scars and acne on the skin leave signs of black spots. These may or may not lighten with the span of time.
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UV rays, along with aging, act as a catalyst for too much emergence of melanin. Most of the time, these spots (Also known as age spots) appear after the forties.
The areas that are mostly exposed to the sun, such as hands, face, chest, and neck, are more vulnerable to these age spots, melanin clusters.
Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Brown Spots on The Face
1.Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits have Vitamin C in ascorbic acid, which damages the skin to some extent and helps in the regrowth of its upper layers. Following are some useful techniques and ways to use them.
- For centuries, women have been applying lemon juice to their faces to get a fair face. Orange juice and lime juice can also be useful for this purpose.
- Collect the juice of citrus fruits by squeezing them to use on your skin. Repeat the same process by squeezing the juice of such fruits. Place the juice on brown spots for 20 minutes and repeat the process every day.
- Prepare a mask by mixing a teaspoon of honey and half lemon. Apply the mask to your skin for 30 minutes before rinsing properly.
- A Scrub of milk powder and citrus is also useful. It can be obtained by mixing 1 teaspoon of powdered milk with the juice of citrus fruit in 1 teaspoon of water. It will look like a paste. Massage your face with this paste and rinse well.
2.Vitamin E
Vitamin E is beneficial for repairing damaged skin. It also gives strength to healthy cells as well. It can be used externally alone, but consuming foods having a rich proportion of vitamins can accelerate the process and yield more beneficial results.
Papaya is rich in both Vitamin C and E, therefore, a valuable natural treatment for brown spots. The papain enzyme in papaya is ideal for exfoliating the skin, which ultimately results in skin renewal. Green papaya is ideal, but a ripe one can also be useful. Peel and remove seeds for using any of the below-mentioned methods of treatment:
- Apply sliced papaya on the place of brown stain for 20 to 30 minutes. Repeating the process twice a day can produce the best results.
- You can also use a Facial mask of papaya. For making a facial mask, chop down these pieces to make them look like pulp with the help of a blender. Use this pulp as a facial mask and apply it to the skin for 30 minutes.
3.Aloe Vera
If you have an Aloe Vera plant at your home, then you got the best and easily applied remedy for brown spots with you because Aloe Vera contains moisturizers that help in healing sunburns.
Just split the tip from one of the leaves and squeeze it using your hands and gently apply to brown spots. Aloe Vera gel is also available at hyper stores but make sure to buy a 100% pure organic product.
Onions can be a good alternative to lemons, as they are rich in acidic acid. Peel an onion and slice it into small pieces. Use a cotton disc to apply on browns spots. Apply for 15 minutes, and then wash the area.
- 1 tablespoon of turmeric.
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice.
- Get turmeric and apply to the affected area with a mixture of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Leave it to dry for 15 minutes. At last, rinse and wash with cold water.
- During the process, keep yourself protected from direct sunlight and repeat the process daily until it gets healed.
- Mix the lemon juice with water or milk in case your skin is sensitive.
5.The Lemon
Lemon slowly fades the brown spots and stains from the skin. The depigmenting creams sold in the stores also contain its ingredients. Just rub a piece of cotton soaked in lemon juice on the skin that contains stains.
6.A Decoction of Dandelion Roots
Dandelion roots can also be used by boiling them in water. To obtain the decoction of dandelion roots, boil 30g to 60g of roots in one liter of water for 4 hours. Apply decoction twice a day on damaged skin.
The fresh brown spots having an age of 1 to 2 months exist on the top layer of the skin only. The process of exfoliating can help you to remove these spots. This process includes treating the upper layer of skin by removing it, which results in the growth of new cells.
- You should choose exfoliating cleansers that have fine ingredients and smoothly remove dead cells from the skin.
- You can also prepare such a cleanser at home by mixing one spoon of naturally crystallized honey with brown sugar.
- Before applying, keep the exfoliant in the fridge for 10 minutes and gently apply it to the face and skin.
- At last, wash and rinse your face and skin with warm water.
Other Solutions to Remove Brown Spots on Your Face
1.The Laser Treatment
Laser treatment is well known for its effective tendency to gradually destroy melanocytes and melanin cells, which fades away stains.
People with fair skin can get the maximum benefit from this treatment because darker spots on their skin can be targeted easily and accurately. The small crusts appear after hyperpigmented cells fade away.
Winter is the best season for this treatment because skin tanning can also make it difficult to treat with laser. Sun exposure is not an issue after this treatment, but it is inadvisable.
2.The Cosmetic Option
, the cosmetic creams on the shelves of stores are also an option to treat these stains. Pillouer-Prost, the creams which contain exfoliating or de-pigmentation ingredients, are useful and necessary to apply. These creams can be useful in many ways ranging from preventing and clearing the spots to aesthetic treatment purposes.
The combo of these creams and other assets will be effective in lightening the spots and improving complexion.
Let's check how these cosmetic creams actually work? These cosmetics and treatments include antioxidants and exfoliating ingredients, which are the lightening/de-pigmentation agents, stop the production of melanin, fair the skin, and help repair the damage of UV rays.
There are some other formulas and Vitamins which also play an active role in the regeneration of the new cells.
Cosmetics can help to fade the brown spots, but these cosmetics are not the full treatment. For darker spots, there are several other fundamental options.
Good everyday Gestures
- Daily use creams and anti-stain soaps.
- The peeling lotions for night care can be another good option to include in your routine.
- For outdoor activities, wear sunglasses, gloves, a hat, and thick non-transparent clothes to cover the cleavage.
- Avoid exposure to the sun.
3.Limit Your Exposure to the Sun
The most dangerous and common reason for the brown spots is direct exposure to the sun. Exposure to the sun will increase the type of hyperpigmentation no matter what you suffer from. Most importantly, UV rays should be avoided. Follow the following steps for the protection of your skin.
- Sunscreen should be mandatory even in winter. A sun sunscreen 15 or higher is better for the face.
- If exposure to the sun is necessary, then wear a hat, glasses, and sunscreen to cover the face.
- A tanning bed is not good for skin and internal body organs. Strictly avoid it.
- The tan of sunbathing fades with time and leaves brown spots, so avoid sunbathe.
4. Be patient
- Consistency and patience are important in treatment. Brown spots don't remove in a day. So be consistent with your chosen treatment.
- Drinking water slows down cell renewal, so keep yourself hydrated and drink plenty of water. It will also improve the results of treatment.
How to Prevent Brown Spots on Your Face
- Before taking any lightening treatment, make sure to apply sunscreen.
- A whitening product called Hydroquinone is considered to be the cause of pigmentation defects, dermatitis, and cancer. It can only be recommended when no other option yields any result.
- Before taking any commercial treatment, you should read product instructions first.
- Pregnant women and nurses do not use salicylic acid.
- Salicylic acid is also not recommended if you are allergic to use aspirin.
- If possible, always get your brown stain care overseen by the beautician or doctor.
- Citrus Juice applied to your skin can burn the skin if exposed to sunlight.
Does Boiling Lemons Destroy Vitamin C
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